
Meeting with Ketua Umum PBNU KH Yahya Staquf

Meeting with Ketua Umum PBNU KH Yahya Staquf

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I was attending an event called the “Introductory Meeting of First International Convention on Islamic Jurisprudence for a Global Civilization (Fiqh al-Hadharah)” last night December 15. It was conducted Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest muslim organisation in Indonesia. I was very impressed by NU’s vision to contribute for humanity and civilization by creating a framework within sharia point of reference towards peaceful co-existence not only with other religious faithfuls but also among all nations irrespective of ethnicities and faith preferences.

It’s just an introductory meeting as clearly stated in the banner, also by the fact that it’s attended by a handful of people, less than 100 dignitaries may be around 50 – 60 persons, including some ambassadors/diplomats and a dozen ulemas. The real convention, according to KH Yahya Staquf, will be held on February 6, 2023 where various dignitaries of world muslim scholars will attend and convey their opinions among whom are Dr. Ahmad Al Tayyeb, the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Egypt and Dr. Shauqi Allam, mufti of Egypt (Dar el Ifta el Mishriyya, Habib Ali Al Jufri, and many others. This international convention will be held at the same time NU will celebrate its first century of its existence based on Hijri calendar.

I am thankful to get invited last night and am looking forward to attending the 6 February 2023 convention if invited again. It’d be hilarious to be with many world class prominent ulemas. would be even more epic to know of what kind of religious opinion they will offer to the topic discussed.

Picture: I gave my book “Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah: wasathiyah, tasamuh, cinta damai” to KH Yahya Tsaquf, the general chairman of PBNU. The book printed version can be bought in Ponpes Al-Khoirot Malang while digital version could be obtained through Google Store

Please note, the green cover book is the newest and revised version of Ahlussunnah. If you have the previous version, make sure you’ll get this one also as it contains an additional whole new chapter — chapter 7 – Amaliah Aswaja — which is very important for Aswaja muslims to enhance their horizons of knowledge on very specific theme regarding the raison d’etre behind Aswaja practices dubbed by the Salafis as bid’ah even shirk practices, which infact are false accusation with logical fallacy arguments.

Baca puisi: Jiwa Petarung

Ahmad Fatih Syuhud
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A Fatih Syuhud; adalah pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot Malang. Penulis masalah Islam, pendidikan, pesantren dan politik. Tulisan opininya yang pernah dimuat di Kompas, Republika, dan lain-lain sudah dibukukan dengan judul, Islam dan Politik: Sistem Khilafah dan Realitas dunia Islam. Catatan Harian-nya di (dalam Bahasa Inggris) pernah dinobatkan Majalah Tempo (edisi 6 Agustus 2006) sebagai #1 dari 10 Penulis Blog Terbaik. Di Al-Khoirot mengajar kitab berikut: Tafsir Jalalain, Sahih Bukhari, Al-Umm, Muhadzab, Fathul Wahab, Iqna' dan Ibanah al-Ahkam.. Buku-buku yang sudah terbit dapat dilihat di Google Play Store.

A. Fatih Syuhud

A Fatih Syuhud; adalah pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot Malang. Penulis masalah Islam, pendidikan, pesantren dan politik. Tulisan opininya yang pernah dimuat di Kompas, Republika, dan lain-lain sudah dibukukan dengan judul, Islam dan Politik: Sistem Khilafah dan Realitas dunia Islam. Catatan Harian-nya di (dalam Bahasa Inggris) pernah dinobatkan Majalah Tempo (edisi 6 Agustus 2006) sebagai #1 dari 10 Penulis Blog Terbaik. Di Al-Khoirot mengajar kitab berikut: Tafsir Jalalain, Sahih Bukhari, Al-Umm, Muhadzab, Fathul Wahab, Iqna' dan Ibanah al-Ahkam. . Buku-buku yang sudah terbit dapat dilihat di Google Play Store.